"Happiness is the highest form of health" - His Holiness, the Dalai Lama
International Day of Happiness is March 20th, and we believe it's important to celebrate.
Not because the world needs more joy & happiness (which it does), but because we believe happiness is THE highest form of health.
Think about it…
When you see a cute dog, laughing baby, or hear an upbeat song… don't you FEEL better?
We've asked every team member here at Capitol Floats to share with us what they do to ignite happiness within.
Here in this list, you'll find songs, youtube videos, activities, and more you can do this International Happiness Day to spark more JOY!
As Marie Condo says:
“ The more happiness in the world, the better!”
We invite you to share this list with the ones you love.
A list of what the Capitol Floats team does to elevate their mood and spark joy & happiness in their lives:
😊 Hailey:
Workout: working out physically releases "happy endorphins" and makes me feel good. I try to move my body and sweat at least 4 - 5 times a week.
Dance parties: I try to move and groove at least once a day. This helps elevate my mood and can literally get me out of ANY funk. Here's my favorite playlist to boogie to: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/suzkLSEBLzgMmhCj6
Meditation: daily meditation and going inward allows me to reset my mood and pause my monkey mind.
😊 Team Member:
Being outside: Taking hikes or going on long walks is an instant mood booster! Living in Auburn, we're lucky to have access to so many great walking trails!
Daily meditation: I meditate every day! It helps calm my nervous system and puts me on the right side of the bed. Here's one of my favorites to meditate to: Guided Meditation By Joseph Goldstein
😊 Daniel:
Meditation: On my journey to learning how to meditate I have found the perfect guru that resonates with me and his voice is extremely calming, David J used to be a facilitator at the Chopra Center but has passed away a few years ago but still continues to affect change in the world which is always my goal. I listen to them every morning and every night. There are also meditations along with singers who join him such as Sacred Fire. There are many meditations on Spotify. 😊 Sierra:
Music: music is hands down my favorite! I love finding a good playlist on Spotify and moving my body or dancing to get me in a good mood
Nature: It's my medicine. Being outdoors and in the simplicity of nature takes me out of my head and immediately into my body
😊 Selena:
Play: whenever I want to feel happy, I turn my focus towards my 6 year old's sparkly rainbow world! Her sense of innocence, play, and wonder can lift my spirits in a heartbeat.
Gardening: I'm obsessed with my plants and find when I have my hands in the soil I'm instantly recharged. I also love to meditate while I tend to my garden.
😊 Amber:
Clean: Hear me out! There's something SO therapeutic about cleaning and organizing that can instantly make me feel good!
Getting lost: I love to go exploring with no destination or end goal. I let being in the moment take over and allow myself to be led to wherever the wind takes me
😊 Jenny:
Dance dance baby: It's always turning on loud music and moving my body. Shaking releases trauma stored inside the body, and this is #1 for me. Here's one I move to often: I SOLO ECSTATIC DANCE
Journaling: Whenever I need to release negative emotions or hit the reset button on my happniess, I write it ALLLL out (with music playing of course)
Unlikely Friends: When I need a good laugh, I head over to Youtube and search "unlikely animal friends" and MELT over the adorable videos!
Service: whenever I'm feeling depressed, I give. In some way, shape, or form. Be it donating money, helping someone in need, or anything in between. It also puts into perspective how lucky I am for what I have.
What are some of your favorite ways to invite happiness, joy, and lightheartedness to your life?
We'd love to hear from you - send us an email at float@capitolfloatsauburn.com so we can add YOURS to our list!